Feb 28, 2009

Stock market jitters...Budget lightning rod...Iraq troop plans...

HONG KONG (AP) International stock markets continue to be beaten down by the faltering global economy. Asian stock markets were narrowly mixed Friday, with exchanges in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan gaining. The others lost ground. European shares fell in early trade.

Washington (AP) President Barack Obama's first budget blueprint has congressional Republicans seeing red, as in ink, because of the massive deficit. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has praised the $3.6 trillion package for looking to the future.

WASHINGTON (AP) U.S. troops are expected to get the word today from the commander in chief. They're coming home from Iraq.

President Barack Obama is due at Camp Lejeune, N.C. and congressional officials say he will announce plans to bring most troops home by August 2010. Thousands will stay as advisers.

WASHINGTON (AP) An AP investigation of Republican Sen. Judd Gregg, the former commerce secretary nominee, shows he steered taxpayer money to New Hampshire's redevelopment of a former Air Force base. He and his brother made real estate deals there. Gregg says there's nothing illegal about it.

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) A New York hedge-fund cheat is due in court today on charges that he skipped out on a 20-year prison sentence. Officials say Samuel Israel faked a suicide last year and took off in an RV before giving up. He's been getting a medical and psychological evaluation.

(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights

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