Apr 4, 2009

SAS and Assetlink enter into global agreement for enterprise marketing solutions

SAS, the leader in business analytics software and services and Assetlink, a leading provider of integrated marketing operations management solutions, have joined forces to provide marketers worldwide with a combined offering that will deliver greater efficiencies and effectiveness to their marketing processes. Under this new global agreement, Assetlink will integrate its marketing operations management suite with enterprise marketing solutions within SAS® Customer Intelligence.

“Assetlink is very excited to integrate our marketing operations management capabilities with SAS’ unparalleled customer intelligence solutions,” said Chetan Saiya, CEO of Assetlink. “While the combined strength of our respective competencies will benefit both companies, it is our customers who will receive the greatest value from the integration of our products and industry expertise.”

Assetlink’s capabilities deliver efficient planning, management and execution of marketing operations. SAS’ comprehensive suite of customer intelligence solutions embeds SAS analytics into the marketing process, enabling marketing executives to make smarter decisions and solve more business challenges to continually improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing investments.

By combining the cost and time efficiencies gained through Assetlink marketing operations management with the strengths of SAS Customer Intelligence to manage the customer-focused marketing process, marketers can drive significant increases in revenue and reduction in cost from their marketing activities.

“As companies face more scrutiny on their marketing budgets, the need to smartly reduce marketing process costs while increasing the ROI of each marketing dollar spent becomes more crucial. This agreement between SAS and Assetlink helps companies achieve both of these goals, creating an optimal outcome for the CMO’s marketing budget,” said Jeff Levitan, SAS General Manager, Global Customer Intelligence Practice.

The agreement combines Assetlink’s leading suite of marketing operations management offerings – including marketing program planning, marketing financial management and digital asset management – with SAS Customer Intelligence solutions, which include:

· Campaign management

· Campaign optimization

· E-mail marketing

· Event driven marketing

· Interactive Marketing

· Marketing mix analysis

· Marketing performance management

· Mobile marketing

· Online analytics

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About Assetlink

Assetlink Corporation is a leader in the Marketing Resource Management software category. Assetlink Marketing Operations Management is a scalable enterprise software solution that helps marketing and brand managers at Global 2000 companies to improve marketing efficiencies and effectiveness as well as improve financial accountability and regulatory compliance of marketing operations. For more information visit www.assetlink.com

About SAS

SAS is the leader in business analytics software and services, and the largest independent vendor in the business intelligence market. Through innovative solutions delivered within an integrated framework, SAS helps customers at more than 45,000 sites improve performance and deliver value by making better decisions faster. Since 1976 SAS has been giving customers around the world THE POWER TO KNOW®. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 2009 SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

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