In a bid to keep pace with the increasing demands of a growing metropolis, Gurgaon police has taken the support of hi-tech to manage, monitor and co-ordinate it’s ground forces. In a technology leap of quantum proportions, Gurgaon Police has equipped it’s entire fleet of PCR jeeps, motorcycles & patrol parties, with new age GPS (Global Positioning System) enabled TETRA radios.
Gurgaon Police is now able to track and monitor the exact location of all it’s field resources at any point of time. The modern hi-tech Police Control Room boasts of a theater size projection screen, on which a detailed digital map of Gurgaon is projected. The current location of all PCR vans is depicted as red icons, motorcycles are depicted in green and SHO’s and other senior officer’s depicted as blue icons on this giant map display. The advanced AVLS (Automatic Vehicle Location System), enables the address of any Dial-100 caller to be automatically searched and displayed on a digital map. The control room operator can immediately ascertain the nearest available Police vehicle that may respond to the incident. Details of the incident are relayed to the ground forces through text and voice messages. Supervisors in the Police Control Room are able to track and monitor the responses of the ground forces. Senior officers can monitor the daily activities of the ground forces, view the exact routes, patrolling times , halts and breaks and ensure discipline and responsibility in policing activities. Accurate logs of kilometers traveled, helps the police department to account for and reign in fuel expenses.
Inaugurating the state of the art police control room, on the 15th of Feb 2009, state DGP Ranjeev Dalal stated that this was only the 1st step and the aim was to roll out similar modernization programs across Police Departments in other districts of the state as well.
Implemented at a cost of Rs.2.08 crores, the technology implementation at Gurgaon saw Indian software firms at the fore-front, providing customized solutions over hardware platforms provided by British and German companies. The AVLS system was designed and developed by Geotrackers, an Indian start-up venture founded by IIT & IIM graduates. With this, Geotrackers becomes the1st and only, Indian company to date, to successfully 'implement an indigenously developed', location tracking solution integrated with theadvanced TETRA - Digital Trunking radio communication technology.
The Dial-100 Police Control Room software was designed and developed by HCL Infosystems. The TETRA network was set-up by Delhi based Thunderbird Industries, and industry leader in establishing radio communication networks for public agencies and security forces.
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Geotrackers stands for powerful Location Based Services. Our mission is to help organizations turbo-charge their operations, through enhancing their visibility into their field operations. We help businesses manage their mobile resources more effectively, resulting in lower costs, better productivity, enhanced service levels and enhanced security. Our services range from reliable & accurate vehicle tracking solutions to personal & asset security solutions. All our solutions are GPS enabled, riding over the wireless & internet networks.
Geotrackers is a start-up venture founded by IIT/IIM graduates. It is headquartered in New Delhi with an engineering centre at Pune.
Geotrackers was adjudged amongst the TOP 50 start-ups in India, by the TATA NEN HOTTEST STARTUPS contest in Nov’2008. (
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