Mar 18, 2009

The world's first global directory service goes 'live'

Telnic has announced that it had achieved a milestone in the delivery of a new internet service, with tens of thousands of .tel domains going ‘live’, creating the world’s first global directory.

The registry operator for the new .tel domains, which provide individuals and businesses with a unique way of sharing all types of contact information with any device connected to the internet, successfully launched its new service.

“This is a momentous day for the company as eight years of development has come to fruition,” said Henri Asseily, CTO and Chief Strategist at Telnic. “We’re delighted to be delivering something that will push the boundaries of communications and the internet to the next level, putting the power back into the hands of the individual when it comes to using and sharing contact information.”

Businesses and individuals are now logging into their own .tel domains, enabling them to store contact information, keywords and location information, which is then published to the internet quickly and securely without needing to build a website.

Asseily adds: “This fundamental change in the use of the internet will break open the ability for anyone to now own a domain and be found from any device. This is the biggest innovation to hit the internet and communications and it seems fitting that we have achieved this on the 133rd anniversary of the first use of the telephone. From today, people will be able to dial a .tel name to connect with people. The future of communications is now wide open to innovation.”

In India, domain name registrars Net4India and Directi who have already started inviting applications for registering the .tel domain are excited with the response and see great potential for the Indian market.

Mr. Desi Valli, Executive Director & COO, Net 4 India Limited commented, “.tel domain is a unique domain that will change the way we save our contacts on the internet. It offers a unique opportunity for both companies and individuals. The response from Indian companies has been overwhelming and with companies like Bharti Airtel & HCL INFOSYSTEMS having already applied for the domain, we see tremendous potential for growth.”

Directi, which has also seen increasing demand for the domain added, "The .tel extension is an interesting platform for individuals and companies to be able to share their contacts over the internet. The response so far has been nothing less than excellent, especially since this is not an alternative extension to any of the other ones out there, but in fact an independent option for everybody," says Bhavin Turakhia, Founder & CEO, Directi. "Names like, and even have been registered with us, and demand only seems to be increasing" added Bhavin.

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About Telnic Limited

Founded in 2000, Telnic Limited is the UK-based Registry Operator and Sponsoring Organization for the new .tel sponsored top level domain (sTLD). For more information, please visit

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