Mar 3, 2009

Align business and IT around organisational objectives with complete business visibility

Progress Software Corporation (NASDAQ: PRGS), a global supplier of application infrastructure software used to develop, deploy, integrate and manage business applications, to organise Progress Asia Forum 2009 on 6th March 2009 at Leela Palace, Bangalore. Progress Asia Forum 2009, is a discussion forum on how an organization can evaluate and plan its IT infrastructure to support its business objectives.

According to a survey commissioned by Progress Software Corporation, of 500 CIOs/IT directors and business leaders from a variety of industries, 83% felt that IT-supported business information plays a highly influential role in driving and supporting business change. However, just 23% said they had timely access to information to affect and drive changes within the organisation. This means a staggering 77% of CIOs admitted to being unable to drive critical business changes due to the inadequate availability and timeliness of information held within their organisation.

“Surprisingly, just as the world is in the throes of a world recession and when the timely delivery of information is critical in the proactive engagement of stakeholders, customers and partners etc., Decision makers are faced with the fact that speed of obtaining business-critical information lags behind the speed of business,” said Eric Lim, managing director, Asia, Progress Software.

At the day-long event, key spokespeople from Progress Software will address some of the key challenges businesses are facing today due to lack of integrated business information and unavailability of ready-information. The speakers will highlight areas where technology and business can align their strategy to support organizational objectives. The Seminar also comprises ‘OpenEdge Reference Architecture Workshop’.

The conference is targeted at Managing Directors, Heads of Companies, CIOs, CTOs, IT Directors, Senior Managers, Solution and Infrastructure managers and, business and technology consultants.

The conference to commence at 8.00 am and will continue till 5.00 pm. It will be followed by reception cocktail at 6.00 pm.

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About Progress Software

Progress Software Corporation (NASDAQ: PRGS) provides application infrastructure software for the development, deployment, integration and management of business applications. Our goal is to maximize the benefits of information technology while minimizing its complexity and total cost of ownership.

Progress in Asia can be reached at

Progress and Sonic are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation or one of its affiliates or subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

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