Mar 6, 2009

Alpenliebe New TVC -"Lalach aha Laplap"

Alpenliebe, the flagship brand of Perfetti, is positioned on the platform of irresistibility since its launch in 1996. The largest selling sugar confectionery brand in India is available in three tantalizing flavours – rich milky caramel, creamy strawberry and chocolate. Alpenliebe is known for its commercials using the baseline “Jee lal chahe raha na jaye” and then building irresistibility through Crocodile Mr. Mach and Kajol in “Lalach aha Laplap” TVCs.

The new 60 second commercial features Cartoon Network’s best loved animated duo, Tom & Jerry, joining forces with Alpenliebe’s much loved brand ambassador and Bollywood Mega-Star, Kajol and their mascot, the crocodile Mr. Mach. The new commercial takes a leap ahead to re-inforce the irresistibility factor as it introduces Tom & Jerry into the mix, under license from Warner Bros.

The TVC has been created by McCann Erickson, headed by the versatile Creative Director Prasoon Joshi, and produced by Black Magic Motion Pictures. The animation component, conceptualized in association with Turner’s Sponsorship and Promotions department, a division of Creative Services, was shot in Mumbai, and directed by Abhijeet Chaudhuri with animation of Tom and Jerry produced by Hook Up Studios in Buenos Aires. The 3D crocodile animation was produced by Oscar winning visual effects house Rhythm and Hues, Mumbai making this a truly global collaboration.

The path breaking commercial mixes live action, 2D ad 3D animation to get the spectacular effects needed to make sure the mayhem of the story was translated on screen. The TVC kicks off with Tom & Jerry jumping out if the television straight into Kajol’s home to get hold of Alpenliebe candy jar turning her home upside down. A shocked Kajol enters her home in between the ensuing Tom & Jerry chase and sets Mr. Mach to catch Tom & Jerry and recover her favourite candy. In the melee that follows, the jar finds its way back to Kajol. The quick thinking Kajol sends Tom & Jerry back into the TV feigning an Alpenliebe thrown into the TV. Mr. Mach gets his candy as a reward as do Tom & Jerry. In the background the VO plays, “Lalach aha Laplapa Tom hai Chatora, Lalach aha Laplapa Jerry Chalu Chora”. The commercial ends with Kajol pretending to yet again feed Mr. Mach with the Alpenliebe candy but infact pops the candy in her own mouth.

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