Mar 6, 2009

Free Download of Company Data From

The international search engine has just launched a new function that makes it easy to search, select and download company information from Masterseek's enormous company database. This represents a major step in the fight against established data providers such as Hoovers and Experian.

Masterseek's new search function makes it possible for users to discover precisely the companies they want. They can then download the search results on their computers as .csv files or in Excel format. They have, however, begun to set a limit. One can only download a maximum of 10,000 companies per day.

"The big difference from established data providers is the fact that Masterseek allows you access to company data on the basis of very precise searches, not just according to some permanently defined categories. We believe that the new download function will be an excellent tool, both as a purchase function or as a candidate database for sales and marketing activities," says Rasmus Refer of Masterseek Corp.

Masterseek's income will come from the much better exposure it can offer, via search words, in relation to its many users.

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Masterseek is made up of specially developed web crawlers, which automatically dispense with irrelevant private websites, at the same time constantly collecting and indexing relevant company websites in a swift and detailed way. This includes: company profiles, contact and product information. The process also indexes company information into more than 50,000 different business categories and 23 different languages. Today Masterseek contains approximately 50m companies from 75 countries.

For further information please contact:
Rasmus Refer
Masterseek Corp.

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